Saturday, July 16, 2011
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
It’s official we are sealed!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Friday night we walked at my schools relay for life. This is the first year I have ever gone to walk. I always payed to join the team but never made the effort to go and walk. This year it hit a little closer to home. My mom and aunt Linda both survived cancer this year. Brian and I thought it would be a good idea to go and show our support.
Our schools theme was “Tied to a cure”. The teachers at my school tie-dyed our relay for life t-shirts. It was so much fun. I think I would have made a great hippie! I wanted to tie-dye any and every thing when I got home. I tried to convince Brian to let me tie dye the sheets in the guest room, a table cloth, anything..... He said NO! How did I miss out on this fun until now!
We went to the big all night event and walked laps, talked with friends, listened to bands, and walked some more. We had a wonderful time and are so thankful for all of the survivors who are in our lives.
A Catch Up Post
Here is a quick update (only a few of our adventures)… these are probably the things I would have posted about if I had not been such a slacker.
Christmas in Williamsburg.
We put a stone floor in Brian’s Office....It looks great!
Made a new years resolution to go to church.
Feb 1st I became the Technology facilitator a.k.a the computer teacher at my school!
Had a Happy Valentines Day.
Worked in the Yard…. TONS! (The bulbs I planted are growing.. but they kind of look like giant weeds?)
Spring Break - I decided to rip out the floor in the laundry room and paint it while Brian was at work so he could put stone flooring in. It was the Hawley girl in me!
Easter at the Beach with Brian's Aunt and Uncle, Grandparents, and cousins. I LOVE hanging out with them!
More working in the yard.
We found a HUGE snapping turtle in our yard and a Lizard in the living room in the same week. Yikes!
We set a date to be sealed in the Columbia, South Carolina Temple (May 28th)
I think that just about catches us up.