Sunday, March 7, 2010

Our Monster Tree

Brian asked the landscaper for his company about getting a new tree. He said he had one for $100. This tree was supposed to have a 3 inch diameter trunk. We went to pick it up on Saturday and got a MONSTER TREE... that was 4 times bigger than we were expecting. It took Brian and 5 other guys to get it out of the truck and in the ground. 

Our Old tiny baby Tree!!!


Brian staking it down.

The monster tree sticking out of the truck!

It went 10 feet past the truck bed!!!!

The roots, for being a tree they wrapped it up nicely.

650 pounds of tree roots!!!

It looks great we can't wait for it to get green and leafy!

1 comment:

Dave and Debbie said...

Holy Deciduous Batman! That is quite the haul to say the least. Now your Mom is again talking about a tree in the front yard - THANKS! J/K ..... can't wait to see it after it blooms!