Thursday, October 30, 2008

Foot Surgery

I had foot surgery in December. I got in a car accident 9 years ago and as a result my ankle is fused. It always hurt a little but in October that changed. I was on a date and took a step, I yelped, almost fell over, and then cried. I could handle the pain but the embarrassment of squealing from the pain in public not a chance. I made an appointment the next day. When I went in the Doc said he could fix it but he had only done similar surgeries a hand full of times (as if I wasn’t nervous enough!)

This is what the doc did….

1. They cut off my heel

2. They cut threw the bone in the joint that was fused when I was 17.

3. They cut 1 in x 1 1/2 in  of bone out of my hip

4. They took my hip bone and stuck it in my ankle joint

5. They fused it, this means they screw it all together until the bones heal and the joint won’t move.

6. They screwed my heel back on.


It hurt like HELL & all I did was whine about missing Brian to the nurses, doctors, and everyone who came to visit!

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