Monday, November 10, 2008


Ok, I had the last Tuesday off and I decided it would be so much fun to stay home and pretend I was pretty much the best house wife ever, (really lets face it, I have mono and am supposed to be resting otherwise I would have gone shopping) While I was making the most of my "resting" I got all of the laundry done, cleaned the house, and even managed to make a gourmet dinner. Yes, I think I would make a great stay at home wife... I could surf the Internet find fancy recipes and spend hours cooking, and decorating, I just might polish silver too . On my domestic day I made sesame seared ahi tuna, (I even made the maranade, and a dipping sauce too), the sides were rice and green beans... but the tuna was DELISH and I Was quite proud of how it turned out because I had my doubts, at first the tuna looked like something I would find in the tide pools!!!

Once it was cooked it looked less like a spotted rock and more like something YUMMY!

Since I have such a great husband he raved and made me feel like I was the chief at a 5 star restaurant.  YUM!!!

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